Appeal Information
This form contains information regarding punishment appeals for mutes and bans issued by the anticheat system and staff members. If you feel you have been wrongly punished, please read through the following information and click on the appropriate appeal link at the bottom. Please refrain from making tickets inquiring about the status of your ban or mute appeal as it could lead to an instant denial. Staff members review appeals on a weekly basis depending on availability. Please do not expect an instant response or harass staff members to review your appeal.
The Appeals
Punishment appeals are handled solely on the forums. Making an appeal outside of the designated forms linked below will result in the thread being deleted. The only exception to this is providing a clip showing your perspective prior to being banned by the anticheat system by creating a Discord Support Ticket. If you are banned for any other reason, DO NOT MAKE A DISCORD TICKET providing evidence as you will be instantly redirected here. Please make sure to complete each of the questions that are listed on the appeals. If you don't know what to put or don't have additional evidence, you may leave the question blank or put N/A in the box if the question is marked as required.
Account Information
If you purchase an account via a third party service and they are hub/network banned or permanently banned from the network, we will not be handling appeals for these accounts. The original owner of the account is responsible for the punishments incurred regardless of the account no longer belonging to them. This also applies to account sharing with siblings, roommates, friends, etc.
Approved | Denied
After the appeal has been reviewed by a staff member, it will be either Approved or Denied.
Approved means your appeal was accepted and your punishment was either reduced, or fully removed. If it was reduced, the mute/ban reason will be updated to reflect that in-game and will show "Reduced." Please do NOT instantly make another appeal as it will be denied.
Denied means your appeal was declined and your punishment will remain unaltered. If this is the case, you MUST wait 14 days to make a new mute appeal OR 30 days to make a new ban appeal. If you make another appeal before this period of time has passed, it will be instantly denied.
Make sure you check the appeal itself as staff members regularly leave comments at the bottom of your appeal.
Short Length Punishments
If your punishment is less than 3 hours, you may still complete an appeal regardless if it's a mute or ban. However, please keep in mind that a staff member may not get to your appeal in time and your punishment may automatically expire on its own. If this happens, your appeal will simply be archived. Please understand that appeals are not constantly monitored and are answered when staff are available.
Purchasing an Unmute or Unban
This is NOT something that is offered on our network. The only way you can be unmuted or unbanned is by completing the proper appeal form linked below.
Mute & Ban Evasion Punishments
If you are banned or muted for punishment evasion, this means that your account was flagged as sharing the same IP Address with an account that has an active punishment. Staff members regularly check these flags and verify that your IP Address matches before issuing an extended punishment.
If you have two separate accounts and setups in the same household for you and a sibling/family member, please provide proof of separate setups inside of your appeal. This can be a simple video showing both setups with both accounts logged in.
Last edited: 3 months ago